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Friday, December 27, 2013

Ozashiki in Kaishi Chou

A rough week at work was finally over, and I was just waiting for the Ozashiki to begin. When it then began, I rushed to Kaishi Chou hanamachi and their wonderful Ochaya. It was said to be the very last Ozashiki of this year, and the house was full! It is really weird, almost scary to think that another year has passed so quickly! A lot has happened in just one year, but I will look forward to 2014 and all the new events, debuts and other great things in the future. I hope the next year will be as good as this one! So may the Kami be on our side.

Maikosan Hoshiteru

As I then entered the Ochaya and took off my geta shoes, there was maikosan Hoshiteru. She was wearing a beautiful hikizuri. But what makes this very picture so interesting is the fact that she is wearing a maneki neko hikizuri while sitting next to a maneki neko!

Then I entered the Ochaya. Hoshiteru-san said she'd host this Ozashiki alone, and there were two other patrons already in the Ochaya. I was offered some tea. Did you know that Kaishi Chou has hot chocolate available in the ochaya?

Soon other patrons started to show up, and the house was full! Luckily Aiyuzuki-san showed up in her lovely Geiko outfit. She told she masters the Ehru, which is a two stringed traditional instrument that originates from China. A bit like the kokyu Tayu play! Hoshiteru-san promised us a fan dance, and she made her way on the stage.

I think this is a very beautiful picture if you pay attention to Hoshiteru-san's eyes and the way she is holding the fan!

Aiyuzuki-san playing Ehru
After the lovely performance Hoshiko-san joined us in the Ochaya. She also looked stunning in her purple hikizuri! I had to snap a picture of her. We played a few rounds of 20 questions. A miracle happened; I won again this time! But, I assume it's just temporary good luck. I picked a word I thought was so difficult that no one would guess it (I picked the geta shoe), but eventually Hoshiteru-san guessed it. 

Hoshiko-san (and I totally wasn't staring at her)
After the Ozashiki I asked for a permission to snap a quick photo of the Ochaya staff. So, here it is:

From right to left: Aiyuzuki-san, Hoshiko-san and Hoshiteru-san

Friday, December 20, 2013

Ozashiki in Kaishi Chou

Today I was doing some shopping and work, when I suddenly heard about an Ozashiki in Kaishi Chou. I quickly got changed and ran all the way to Kaishi, and even though I wasn't quite on time, I didn't miss the dance! So, I really didn't miss that much.


I sat down and was greeted by a familiar maikosan. Of course Hoshiteru-san was there! But, so was a new, young minaraisan. I realised that we'd met before. She was Kirakishou-san, who was a shikomi last time I met her in an Ozashiki. She had recently become a minarai (minarai is a short observing period before becoming a maiko, so it is like a maiko-to-be) and she looked stunning in her blue hikizuri. And I learned that the hikizuri wasn't from Sakka like I had thought all the time, but from Geisha Dreams, instead!

Maikosan Hoshiteru
Maikosan Hoshiteru also looked beautiful. I couldn't help noticing that she had had her kanzashi signed by the Great Tamasaburo himself!

Signed kanzashi (for some odd reason I couldn't see the right one with my bare eyes but in a picture it looks fine)
I had a cup of tea, because Sake makes me too much happy and careless and I really had to take some pictures for my blog. So, they performed a dance. I was excited to see Kirakishou-san perform for the first time!

Hoshiteru-san and Kirakishou-san performing a dance 

After the dance I had some more tea. Then, it was already time to close the Ochaya for the day. After the ozashiki I managed to snap a picture of the beautiful karyukai flowers outside the ochaya! (let's not tell them about this secret photo!)